Monday, 24 June 2013


What have we been doing you may ask... well here ya go!!!

We go for lots of wagon rides!

 We eat lots of watermelon...

 Which usually ends with dancing on the table :)

 We try to stay clean before church!

Spencer's hair is starting to grow back!!

 We play with our friends!

 We like to squish anyone that is smaller then us!

 JR is starting to grow a mustache already!!!

 We ate at Nathans hot dogs and loved the hats more then anything else!!

 We LOVE icecream!!!

 We like to wear our pajama pants really high and think it is quite funny!!

 We LOVE going to the park!!!

 We sometimes like to colour on ourselves and different things in the house!!!

 Then we get so exhausted we just fall asleep anywhere!!

 We play with our cousins!

 When dad works night shifts, in the morning, moms bed usually looks like this with Mom sleeping in another bed!!!

 We are just cute!!! And like to practice our different faces!!

 We love to play in the mud!

 Again... working on our faces!!

 We watched this gal graduate!!! WOO HOO

 Spencer thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony :)

 We got to see a real life princess ( or as Ben said... Princess Sophia)

 We start them young on their light saber skills!

 "Crab Crawl"

 We LOVE to share things... even if we have to get really close :) (This may have ended in tears about 3 seconds after the picture was snapped)


On rainy days we make cookies!!!

 Play with Oobleck!!

 We eat shoes!

 We have snacks and again try and stay semi clean before church!

 One of our FAVORITE things to do is BLOW BUBBLES!!!!

 Daddy makes AMAZING forts with us!!

 We fight about who get to drive the spaceship!!

 Daddy trying to handle the screaming happening!!

 We like to jump in puddles after it rains... of course we do it in our underwear!!!

But most importantly we like to make our kids dizzy (while cleaning the floor) and watching them try to walk after!! I know... we are AWESOME parents!!!