Spencer turned one on January 7. Well done Spencer you have aged so gracefully. All the haters out there are probably saying you should have updated right after the celebration, what kinda parents are we? Well just so you know we celebrated Chinese New Years last night, so really that puts us like six days ahead of schedule. So there!
On a more serious note it is crazy how fast the time has flown by. We sure love this little guy. Always making us smile and laugh with his faces and antics. Here are a few pictures from the party. You can tell by the awesome hats that it was a real rager.
Spencer didn't want to get a paper cut so he decided to suck on the paper until it was a soft as baby back ribs and the wrapping just melted away.
Hindsight is 20/20 and the blue icing maybe wasn't the best choice after the whole family appeared to be suffering from catarrhal fever, which is usually reserved for Ovis arie. However, the cake sure tasted good, thanks Megan you are the best.
Just another picture demonstrating the ridiculously awe inspiring birthday party it was. I bet that your last party didn't have party hats AND party glasses. I don't know about your birthday but Spencer's only comes around once a year so it should be a big event.
He sure is cute. Happy Birthday Day Spencer!
We were lucky that we didn't require any quarantine for the fever. Just some good ol' fashion elbow grease.