Saturday, 19 December 2009


With Christmas less then a week away. We are both getting very excited. We have made sure that we have been good all year long so Santa would come for milk and cookies instead of blood.

I went and got a Christmas tree and deceratored her up for the season. I surprised Megan with this. Yep! I did it all by myself.

And of course to bring the spirit of the season into our home other decorations were put up. Including this hand crafted wreath. We only put the finest up at our house.

Christmas time is one of the best times all year. Megan has been wrapping presents for weeks I am so excited. Christmas morning I will put this kid to shame.

Megan and Me Love Christmas!

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

A Landmark Achievement

I owe much to this man. And so do countless millions all over the world. His name is Alexey Pajitnov and he designed Tetris.

For those who don't know Tetris is 25 years old. It is a little late in the year, we should have had a Tetris birthday party on June 6, but Tetris isn't a person so it won't hold it against me. What better way to celebrate then to pay homage to greatest casual game, if not the the greatest game of all time.

Recently I had the chance to play a round of Tetris and was so excited when I was able to beat it. That is right, I was able achieved 'Game Over' not because of a block out but because I had reached the confines of the program. And accomplishment that I will cherish for a long time*.

I hope that you all take a moment to reflect on your Tetris play and give thanks that we have such an amazing program.

*Maybe not that long because I have since done it several times on the mobile Tetris version on my phone. You only need to get 150 lines.